Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Task 1, 3 sectors of the film industry

The Film Industry
The film industry is a core business that makes films that are designed to be seen in cinemas, on DVD, and on the T.V.
The cinema started in the 1890's and it was originally silent but in the early 1930's they started using sound. In the late 1930's colour came to the screens, then multiplex cinema's in the 1980's.
The cinema experience is unique because the size of the cinema screen is big and wherever you sit you can see perfectly, and you can always here the sound really well because of the surround sound.
Films are also ditributed not only in the cinema but also in DVD, TV broadcasting, internet downloads, sometimes mobile downloads. Sometimes, if the film is unsuccessful, the film goes straight to DVD even if it has not been released in the cinema.
A few of the major film producing companies are Warner, Universal, Sony pictures and many more.

T.V Industry 
The T.V industry is a core business that makes programs that are designed to be seen in the home TV. 
The television started in the 1930's, they were rare and expensive until the late 1960's when they became colour were there were only 3 channels until 1980's then digital in 2000's. 
The television experience is unique because it's accessible, very cheap, easy to use and digital brings a vast choice.
TV programmes are also distributed in other media platforms such as DVDs, iPlayer spin-offs.
 There are major TV producing companies they include BBC, ITV, Channel 4 & Granada.

Music Industry
The music industry is a core business that makes are designed to be heard in the home on the radio. 
Pop music started in the 1700s with sales of sheet music and popular music hall songs, gramophone records invented by Thomas Edison in the 1890s and the radio was invented by Marconi in the early 1900s, sales of records became popular in the 1930s, Long playing records were then invented in the 1950s, CDs in the 1980s and finally digital in the 2000s. 
The radio/ music player experience is unique because it is portable, you have a choice of loud speaker or headphones, it is easily accessible, very cheap, easy to use and digital brings vast choice and it is available in more places than just TV. 
Music programmes are also distributed in other media platforms such as iPod, iTunes, illegal downloads, radio, MP3, video, CDs, MP4, video cassette, TV Channels and stereo. 
There are loads of major music producing companies eg. MTV, Magic, Heart, Capital, BBC and Sony.

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